B and B+ series Monocular, binocular and trinocular models WF 10x/18 mm of WF 10x/20 mm eyepiece(s) Revolving reversed nosepiece for 4 or 5 objectives Semi plan, plan IOS, semi plan phase and plan phase objectives Continue reading
Oxion HWF 10x/22 mm eyepieces Bino, trino and multihead systems Optional tilting head Reversed nosepiece for 5 objectives Continue reading
iScope EWF 10x/22 mm and EWF 10x/20 mm eyepieces Binocular and trinocular models Multihead and face-to-face dual head systems Optional tilting head Continue reading
Delphi-X Observer Trinocular model Sextuple reversed nosepiece Enhanced infinity corrected EIS optical system Ergonomic tilting head Continue reading